Primozone is awarded large scale municipal drinking water project worth 3 million Euro

The Swedish ozone generator supplier Primozone has won the public tender to supply the ozone installation for the expansion of the Langevatn drinking water treatment plant outside Stavanger, Norway. The installation, worth approximately 3 million Euros, is a very prestigious project and thus a recognition of Primozone as one of the important ozone technology providers in the world.

Winning the public tender for a large scale prestigious project like this is a true recognition. It proves that our technology has a place on the market and that we, although we are a small company, can challenge the established player thanks to our innovative technology and new way of implementing ozone solutions”.

Primozone was invited to bid for the public tender in competition with the largest ozone technology manufacturers on the market. The evaluation criteria for the public tender focused on cost and especially on total cost of ownership for the installation; criteria which fit well with the features of the Primozone ozone technology.

When looking at operational costs Primozone ozone generators have a clear advantage because of their low energy consumption. With Primozone technology the energy consumption can be more than halved.

The designed ozone volume is 960 kg/day.